Literacy Contacts
Talk with me about:
Secondary Literacy, literacy across the content areas, writing, implementing the new ELP standards, ELL and differentiating for English Language proficiency levels.
School Improvement/Early Literacy/Dyslexia
Talk with me about:
ELI, Iowa TIER, Dyslexia, Striving Readers, Universal Screening and Progress Monitoring, MTSS is an elementary classroom, classwide and small group interventions and structures of a literacy block.
Literacy/Gifted and Talented/Dyslexia
​Talk with me about:
Extending literacy instruction to reach your "high flyers", MTSS, Iowa TIER, Dyslexia, KU Routines, Striving Readers, Title I and supporting classwide and small group interventions.
Special Education Consultant/Literacy/Dyslexia
Talk with me about:
FAAs/BEAs; Sue Barton, Dyslexia, Assistive Technology, Decoding, Phonological Awareness, and Fluency
Special Education Consultant/Literacy/Dyslexia
Talk with me about:
Decoding, Encoding, Fluency, Comprehension, Dyslexia, Accommodations, Intensified instruction, Guidance on Progress Monitoring Data
Special Education Consultant/Literacy
​Talk with me about:
Fluency, Fusion Reading
Instructional Technology/Literacy
Talk with me about:
Technology Integration, Middle School and High School Literacy, Bloom's Taxonomy, Mindset, DOK, Backwards Design, and Standards Based Grading
Sector 1 Coordinator/Administrative Liaison
Talk with me about:
FAAs/BEAs; Decoding; Fluency; Visualizing Strategies
Phone: 563-245-1480 or 800-632-5918